Original compositions for marching band by PearsonMusicWorks or music in the public domain arranged and/or adapted for marching band. Please note that some shows contain a mix of original/PD arrangements and arrangements of copyrighted pieces.

“A peculiar people” (A crisis of faith, one in the spirit, children of light)


“Leitmotif” (based on original themes by Rob Rawlings)

“Celtic Triumph” (Prelude/Galway Reel, Lament for Kilcash, Triumph)

“Heavy metal” (original opener “Ancient Stones”)

“Escapes” (Escape from work, escape into love, escape from danger)

“Come Thou Fount” (single chart)

“Light and Shadow”

“Nessun Dorma” (the middle tune in this show)

“Hallucinations, Delusions, Paranoia”

“Music of Borodin”

“Childhood Memories”

“The Grand”

Halloween show (Toccata in D minor*/Beetlejuice, Night on Bald Mountain*, Tubular Bells, Symphonie Fantastique*) *Public domain

“In the Box, Outside the Box”

“Holst - The Planets”



“Hunger Games”

“Of Good and Evil”


“The Piano Lesson”

“Carmen in Blue”